Operating System
Introduction: Operating system overview, computer system structure, structure and components
of an operating system. System calls: class of system calls and description. Process and
threads: process and thread model, process and thread creation and termination, user and kernel
level thread, scheduling, scheduling algorithms, dispatcher, context switch, real time scheduling.
Concurrency and synchronization: IPC and inter-thread communication, critical region, critical
section problems and solutions. Resource management: introduction to deadlock, ostrich
algorithm, deadlock detection and recovery, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention, starvation.
File management: File Naming and structure, file access and attributes, system calls, file
organization: OS and user perspective view of file, memory mapped file, file directories
organization, File System Implementation: implementing file, allocation strategy, method of
allocation, directory implementation, UNIX i-node, block management, quota. Memory
management: basic memory management, fixed and dynamic partition, virtual memory,
segmentation, paging and swapping, MMU. Virtual memory management: paging, page table
structure, page replacement, TLB, exception vector, demand paging and segmentation, thrashing
and performance. Disk I/O management: structure, performance, low-level disk formatting,
Disk arm scheduling algorithm, error handling, stable storage
Responsible | Aishwarza Panday |
Last Update | 09/30/2023 |
Completion Time | 8 hours 45 minutes |
Members | 2 |