Computer and Information Technology
Introduction: What is Computer, Characteristics of Computers, History of Computers, Types
of Computer Systems, Computer Generation, Computer System, Importance of Computers in
Business, Computer Applications in Business, On-line Applications in Business, Real-Time
Applications in Business.Fundamentals of Computer Hardware: Introduction, Components of Hardware, Input
Hardware, Output Hardware, Processing Hardware and Storage Device. Central Processing
Unit. Introduction to System Software and Application Software: Introduction, Categories of
Software, System Software, Application Software, Features of Software, Difference between
Hardware &Software.Data processing and Networking: Introduction, Data Processing Cycle, Data Types, Kinds
of Data Processing, Objectives of Data Processing, Steps in Data Processing, Practical Data
Processing Applications in Business, Data Processing Operations. Data Processing Systems,
Networking.Programming languages and Program Development: Introduction, Programming
Languages, Machine Language, Assembly Language, High Level Language, Program
Development: Introduction, Developing a Program, Program Development Cycle (Steps in
Developing a Program), Algorithm, Flowchart, System Analysis and Design, System
Development Life Cycle.Operating system: Introduction, Operating System, Functions of an Operating System,
Types of Operating System, DOS (Disk Operating System), Windows Operating System.
Internet and E-commerce: Internet, Core Features of the Internet, Internet Software,
Extranet, Characteristics of Extranet, Uses of Extranet, E-mail, How E-mail Works?
Infrastructure Requirement for E-mail, E-mail Addressing Pattern, E-mail Messages, Usage
of Mails, Mobile Computing, Types of Mobile Computers, E-commerce, Features of E-
Commerce, Importance of E-Commerce, Types of Electronic Commerce, E-Commerce
Activities. Information Systems in Business: Introduction, Management Information System,
Characteristics of MIS, Designing of MIS, Benefits of MIS, Decision Support Systems, Types
of DSS, Characteristics of DSS, Components of DSS, DSS Capabilities, Group Decision
Support System (GDSS), Typical GDSSCapabilities.Office Automation and Transaction Processing Systems:Introduction, Office Automation
Systems, Transaction Processing Systems, Transaction Processing Cycle, Features of TPS,
Transaction Documents, Transaction Processing Modes.
Responsible | Aishwarza Panday |
Last Update | 09/17/2023 |
Completion Time | 7 hours 25 minutes |
Members | 1 |
Introduction L1
Introduction- L2
Lesson Plan - Computer information system.docx
Fundamentals of Computer Hardware
Fundamentals of Computer Hardware- L1 (1)
Fundamentals of Computer Hardware L2
SMTP, FTP, HTTP, Email, Ecommerce
ICT Quiz 1